Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I admit it: I find commercial patterns so, well, commercial. But I've learned to value them in their adaptability. "Adaptable?" You're thinking. "Ha!"

No, it's really true. I make a habit of once a month zipping over to my local Joann's for the cheapo pattern sale. Lately I picked up 10 Butterick patterns, half for little girls and half for women. But truth be told, I never make those patterns. I rarely even open the envelopes, yet I sit with a shelf full of them.

Why? Because they inspire me. My problem with commercial patterns is that they are rather uninspired. (When I say commercial, I mean the big ones sold at the fabric store in the deep drawers with the 3" thick catalogues. I do not mean the ones made by people like you and me.) Sure, they seem to look great on the package, but they lack flair.

But they are great for adaptations.

I love to use a good size chart on the envelope flap. And I will often take a look at the pattern pieces for a glimpse into their shaping and overall measurements before I draft my own. Cheating? Nah, just part of the learning process for me.

Try it sometime: spread out your patterns, and figure out what your *really* like from each. Take a square neck from one and match it with a pouf sleeve and bubble skirt from another. It's a truly original adaptation... you'll like it.

Here are some great pattern finds!

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